Adrianna has turned 3 years old on May 16th. We did so many fun things for her. I brought her to Coon Rapids dam, como zoo, Springbrook Nature Center and out to eat many times. My mom and me brought her to the Mall of America and she went to Libby Lu's to get all dressed up like a princess. Then later that night my mom kept her and brought her out to eat and swimming. I hope that she had fun and will somewhat remember this birthday.
I love that my little girl is growing up but at the same time I am wondering where has the time went? It seems like almost yesterday I was pregnant with a baby and just discovering the news or that I just had her and she was this tiny baby that was so sweet. Now she is 3 and definitely her own little person. She makes jokes, laughs at all funny things, has temper tantrums when she isn't getting her way, colors in the lines for the most part, can draw shapes, smiley faces and hand prints. She is so amazing and a wonderful child. She amazes me all the time with how quickly that she can learn things and the things that she understands and says.
All I can tell anyone with babies is cherish the time you have with your little ones because before you know it they are big girls and boys in a blink of an eye.
This is a nice blog. I like it!
Well done for this wonderful blog.
This is a nice blog. I like it!
Can't wait to see Adrianna again. She is getting so big. I want them all to stay little!
I love your new design. Call me again sometime and let me know where you are at. I heard from Vicki you weren't living with your dad anymore.
Love you!
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