Our Life

Friday, December 11, 2009


There are so many things this year that I have been so grateful for and cannot seem to have enough words to thank all the wonderful people that have helped to make these things possible.
#1: My family
Without you I would not be me. You are my backbone and my strength when I am weak and think that I cannot go on anymore. You are my laughter and tears, my sadness and my hope. I could have not gotten where I am today without all of you and I thank you all so much for everything. I love you dearly!
#2: My friends
You are the people who I can let myself go with and I can relax. You always seem to be there for me when I don't think that anyone else is. I love all of you like you are my family and give thanks for having the great few friends that I do.
#3: Everyone else
To whom ever you are, I thank you for your kind words, thoughts, praise, helpfulness and genorosity. With out you the small things would have never mattered.
This year as Christmas nears I am so excited to share this day with my family and friends. We are going through some tough times this year and we will realize what Christmas is really about. Not presents, food or where you are. It is Christ's birthday and we can spend it in rejoyce with our families. I am sad that my out of state family members will no be here this year but I will hold them dear to my heart.
God bless all this holiday season!